From the Rainbow Gold Reviews FB page:
“Rainbow Gold Reviews is celebrating PRIDE with 26 awesome gay fiction authors and one illustrator. You will get 30 minutes to get to know each of them and ask them your burning questions. Think of it as a fun, casual ‘speed-dating’. You know those kindles need to be fed regularly
Each guest brings a nice prize (most will be received by the lucky winners on the same day) and there will be more than 10 Guest Posts with giveaways on our blog.
There will be fun and games and great authors – Don’t miss it (And SHARE with and INVITE your friends)
10:00 am CDT: Jay Northcote 10:30 am CDT: KJ Charles 11:00 am CDT: K-lee Klein 11:30 am CDT: Kay Berrisford 12:00 pm CDT: Patricia Logan 12:30 pm CDT: Raine O’Tierney 01:00 pm CDT: Rj Scott 01:30 pm CDT: Brigham Vaughn 02:00 pm CDT: Alex Morgan 02:30 pm CDT: Dorien Grey 03:00 pm CDT: Wade Kelly 03:30 pm CDT: D.t. Peterson 04:00 pm CDT: Draven St James 04:30 pm CDT: Ashlyn Daube 05:00 pm CDT: Catherine Dair 05:30 pm CDT: Jordan L. Hawk 06:00 pm CDT: Jess Buffett 06:30 pm CDT: Tinnean 07:00 pm CDT: Natsuya Uesugi 07:30 pm CDT: Agnes Merikan + Kat Merikan 08:00 pm CDT: Silvia Violet 08:30 pm CDT: Diana Copland 09:00 pm CDT: LE Franks 09:30 pm CDT: Cody Kennedy 10:00 pm CDT: Ethan Stone 10:30 pm CDT: Mari Evans
10 am CDT (Chicago time) is 5 pm CEST (Central European Standard Time), 4 pm GMT (UK time), 11 am EDT (New York City time), 9 am MDT (Salt Lake City Time) and 8 am PDT (San DIego time).”

Today, 7/20/2014,I will be on the Rainbow Gold Reviews Event Facebook Page at 2:30pm EST/1:30pm CDT so come chat with me, check out the other authors, and enjoy the giveaways!