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Flash Fiction Mondays


After the struggles I had with the holiday novella, I feel blah and uninspired.  Despite the thousand and one plot bunnies and two nearly completed novels waiting for me, I don’t feel like writing.  I had four days off last week and only wrote a few hundred words.  Now, a few days off to celebrate the holidays is good, but on top of weeks of the blahs? Not good. That’s a slippery slope to no writing at all. And being a writer isn’t about only writing when you feel inspired.  It’s about writing when you don’t.  However, a creative kick in the pants can sometimes help.

So when the lovely and talented Helena Stone asked me if I’d be interested in joining her for her Flash Fiction Mondays, I jumped at the chance!  It helped with three goals I set for myself for 2015: more regular blog posts, more free stories, and boosting my creativity!

So, every Monday starting next week Helena and I will post a very short flash fic based on a single photograph.  We’ll take turns alternating who picks the image and each write a brief story based on it.  I’ll be sure to link to her blog so you’ll get two flash fics every Monday! Fun, huh?


I picked this image for next Monday.  I have my flash fic nearly written and I can’t wait to see what Helena comes up with!

See you next Monday!


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