It’s taking me a while to get back into the swing of things after being gone. GRL was wonderful and so was the time spent in downtown Chicago. I desperately needed those two weeks to unwind and recharge. But now that I’m back I feel … off. Like I’m not synced up with the world and am half a step out of beat.
After two weeks of not writing and barely checking in on social media, it’s hard to get back into the routine I had. I don’t know if that means I need to find a new routine or just be patient while I adjust to real life again.
I am back to writing; in fact I had a great breakthrough on my novel and am finally making progress after I stalled for way too long. Being at work is tough though and I can’t seem to get back into it.
I’m sure the time change for daylight savings time isn’t helping, but that’s not it either. I just wish the foggy, surreal feeling would go away. I don’t like feeling like I’m not present in my own life.
Anyone else feel like this?
p.s. The photo above is not one I took of Chicago although I have tons of photos from there that I still need to edit. Hopefully I can tackle them in the near future.