I’ve been working on a short story since December. I wrote about 3/4 of it before I realized it just wasn’t clicking. It didn’t feel right. So I re-wrote it, changing it from 3rd person to 1st. That helped and I was able to finish the story, but something still didn’t feel right.

I set it aside for weeks, tweaked it again, and then sent it to one of my pre-readers. She gave me some good feedback and I tweaked it, but I hesitated before I sent it for a final edit. I just wasn’t happy with it. So I sent it to someone else who read through it and gave me even more feedback. I made some changes, sent it back to her, made more changes and then it finally clicked.
The characters and the conflict hadn’t been fleshed out enough and it wasn’t until I fixed those issues that I finally felt comfortable sending it out for a final edit. I never want to put out work that’s sub-par, but sometimes it’s important to step away before you edit it to death. It’s difficult to know what a story needs; when to keep going and when to stop editing. As a writer, I have to rely on the people I trust to give me feedback. And I’m learning to trust my own instincts.
So keep your eyes out, there will be a new short story coming to you in the near future and if I do say so myself, it’s pretty darn good.