I slept for a solid twelve hours that first night and spent a lazy morning reading in bed.

After I made breakfast (yogurt with a little dollop of black currant jam, berries, along with tea, and brown soda bread with Irish butter), I did a little writing, then went for a walk in the Kilmainham/Inchicore area. I wandered along the canal for a bit and enjoyed the blustery but surprisingly warm weather.
(Click on the right side of the picture to see the whole slideshow of pics).
On my way back, I stopped into the shop for a few things I'd forgotten when I picked up groceries the first day, then relaxed for a while before making dinner. I made mustard seared salmon, roast potatoes, and a salad which was the perfect way to wrap up my first day and I have plenty of leftovers for future meals.

I already feel settled in and I'm looking forward to more exploration tomorrow!