After the fun of the previous day, I needed a quiet day in to get some work done. And yes, that IS my release calendar. Digital just doesn't do the trick for me so I never leave home without it.
I'm currently working on Changing the Rules, in my new hockey series. I'm only a few chapters in but I'm having lots of fun with my snarly French-Canadian screwup, Gabriel. He's a mess but Lance will turn him around. Too bad he's not supposed to be dating his coach ...
I threw together an easy lunch of greens, cheese, and some leftover roast potatoes and sautéed salmon. Super easy and super delicious with a little drizzle of herb vinaigrette. One of the things I love so much about Ireland is how FRESH the food is. No surprise the seafood is amazing but in general even the store brands are such high quality and I love that I don't have to scour the ingredients list all the time.
After lunch, I worked a little more on the story and did some other admin work. It's a little challenging keeping up my routine/finding a new one but I think I'll get the hang of it. I did set lower daily word count goals for myself so as long as I stay on top of things I think I can keep up with my writing and release schedule.
Oh, and I was able to do a video chat with my best friend back home! Not quite the same as our usual weekly get togethers but it's good to connect with her and I'm so grateful for the technology that allows us to easily (and cheaply!) chat.
Dinner was a pasta Bolognese. Nothing too fancy, just a jarred sauce and beef mince but I let it simmer a good long while and it was very tasty. One of the nice things about living in a place so small is that I am never more than a few arms lengths away from the stove.
After dinner, I edited photos and I'm pleased I've been able to keep up with them so far. I decided not to take my big digital SLR camera and my zoom lens on this trip. It was a tough call but I was tight on space and phone cameras are just so good. Plus, I'm more likely to stay on top of the photo editing. We won't talk about all of the unprocessed photos from my 2017 trip to Ireland ...