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Today was another writing day. I made progress on my hockey story and got to work on plans for promoting it when it releases in late February. I also updated an old free book I have (more on that soon!) and did some more editing. All of which was helped by the fact that I brought a portable second monitor with me. It's roughly the same size as my laptop (but about half as thick!) and the case also works as a stand. Along with a folding keyboard and small mouse, it was pretty easy to pack into my laptop bag along with some cables and have a really functional mobile office.

With books to edit, covers to design, and promo graphics to make, I wanted to make sure I could do everything as efficiently as I did at home and I think it's going to work out great.

Also, I know I shouldn't be complaining about all of the beautiful sunny days here when it's been well below freezing at home and a good portion of the US just got buried in snow but I was genuinely excited to see it rain today. lol. Weird, I know, but I usually run very warm, and cool, drizzly days are actually my favorite. There's something so cozy about them too, especially when reading or writing.

That was the view from my window, though I did venture out into it this evening for dinner. I finally put my new rain jacket to the test and I can say it worked quite well!

What was for dinner? Fish and chips of course! I wasn't expecting such a huge portion and I definitely wasn't able to finish it all.

It wasn't the best I've had in Ireland but it was very tasty and made for a perfect comfort food dinner on a drizzly evening after a hard day of work. And you can't beat that.


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