Last year, when I wrote Scrooge You!, I accidentally set it up so Hayden's friend from Chicago, Leo Fenner, could be a future main character.
This year, when I decided to write his story, I thought it would be fun if he was the complete opposite of Hayden when it came to the holidays and love.
I adored the idea of him being charmed by the quirky small town of Christmas Falls and lured in by the promise of finding love there. And, oh yeah, just a wee bit envious of Hayden for finding his HEA with Joel!
Keep reading for an exclusive teaser from the story.
Leo stifled an appreciative sigh. The man was a hunky ginger-haired bear of a baker with kind eyes and a sweet smile.
Lucky Hayden.
“It’s slowed down a little at the bakery so I can help you guys unload, if you want,” Joel said, flashing that same sweet smile at them both before he bent to give Hayden a quick kiss, wrapping an arm around his waist.
Hayden shot him an adoring look and Leo had to look away. They were utterly, disgustingly in love.
Leo was so fucking envious.
“That would be amazing,” Leo said gratefully. He’d sold most of his furniture since the apartment over the bakery came with the pieces he really needed, but he still had a lot of crap to haul upstairs. Who knew he owned that much stuff?
Thankfully, with three people, the work was a whole lot lighter than it had been when Leo packed the car in Chicago by himself. Although, if Leo caught Hayden ogling Joel’s ass one more time, he was going to barf.
Or maybe that was just the envy talking again. Because goddamn did Joel have a nice ass.
Maybe Joel should use that for the bakery’s tagline: home of the baker with the best buns.