If you’ve read the Tidal and Speakeasy series, you already know Carter Hamilton and Riley Porter-Wright. Their books, Wake and Calm, were published in the summer of 2017, and we put together a short story to mark that anniversary.

Southampton Sea Breeze is FREE to download from Pride Publishing:
or from Prolific Works:

This short story can be read on its own, but it certainly has ties to the Tidal books, Behind the Stick, and the other Speakeasy books, so if you haven’t already, we suggest you enjoy them all!

#TotallyEntwinedGroup #KyleMcKee #politics #oppositesattract #Bartender #mmromance #polyamorous #Speakeasyseries #LGBTQromance #BehindtheStick #agegap #CarterHamilton #Calm #wake #AsianAmericancharacter #JapaneseAmericancharacter #pridepublishing #comingout #bisexual #KyleandLuka #bookrelease #LGBT #BrighamVaughn #LGBTromance #NewYork #Firefighter #CameronLewis #agedifference #Mixedracecharacter #new #HateCrime #mmromance #gayromance #CamandJesse #GayBashing #POC #polyamory #LukaClarke #mmfiction #WillMartin #novel #newstory #TheSpeakeasy #LGBTQfiction #enemiestolovers #KEvanColes #angst #WithaTwist #Tidalseries #RileyPorterWright #DavidMori #TheBronx