If I had to answer that question, I'd say I'm somewhere in between the two. I'm not a huge fan of ONLY making changes at the new year, but I do appreciate the feeling of a fresh new start at the beginning of the new year.
I try to see goal-setting as something that's a slow process rather than a huge overhaul. For one, huge overhauls rarely stick for me and it feels better if I slowly work on things as they come up, building on what I've previously done.
I've made a lot of changes in the past year. Tweaks to my ADHD meds, tweaks to my daily schedule and how I organize my habits/work. I've worked in more fitness and lots of other things that are good for my mental and physical health.
Those changes paid off in huge ways last year in so many aspects of my life. I feel stronger, happier, more successful, more organized. It wasn't perfect. There were setbacks. But I made progress and that's what makes me happy.
So I'm not planning a big overhaul in 2024. I do have some VERY BIG goals but they're spread out throughout the year.
I think when it comes down to it, my big change for the new year is actually planning ahead better.
I want to take my big goals and break them down into smaller parts so I can make sure I hit my target dates. That means scheduling time once a week/month/quarter to review them and plan when I'll work on them.
Like my books, I consider myself a work in progress.
Every year I learn a little bit more, tweak how I do things, and grow some more. And really, can you ask for anything more?
What about you? Are you a big New Years resolution person? Do you hate making goals at all? How do you feel about the start of a new year?