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Valentine’s Day Giveaway


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Some people love Valentine’s Day, others absolutely loathe it.  Me? I’m somewhere in the middle.  I like spending the day with my husband, but we focus more on what we do together than what we buy each other.  There are years we’ve splurged and bought each other gifts, but there’s never the expectation that we have to spend a lot of money on each other. This year, with a new roof for our house in the near future, we decided to keep it simple.  We’re doing a 90 minute couples yoga class, getting takeout sushi, and settling in for an evening of Scrabble.  No, that’s not a euphemism, we really ARE planning to play Scrabble.  We even upgraded our board to a nicer one since we’ve been playing so much lately.

Oh, and don’t tell Mr. Vaughn, but I made chocolate chip cookie dough last night so I can make ice cream sandwiches for a special treat.  Why those?  No idea, they just sounded good.  Probably not a traditional pairing with sushi, but I have yet to see the man turn down anything with chocolate in it in the last ten years so I’m pretty sure it’ll go over well.  😀  T he real question is, what kind of ice cream should I use?  Vanilla? Coffee? Salted caramel?

Chocolate Chip Cookie Ice Cream Sandiwch

While I don’t disagree with the people who say Valentine’s Day is just a made-up, commercialized holiday, I think it can be whatever you make of it.  I usually send cards (mostly virtual these days) to the people I care about.  Because there are a lot of people I love in a non-romantic way too.  After all, not everyone has or wants romantic love in their life.  But I think everyone likes to know that someone is thinking about them. So, this Valentine’s Day, why not take the time to show your appreciation for all of the people you care about?


The wonderful Meredith King did just that.  She put together an amazing giveaway on the Diverse Reader blog.  She pulled together eighteen authors who will each be giving away a story of theirs to celebrate Valentine’s Day.  I am incredibly flattered that she included me in the giveaway, especially alongside so many phenomenally talented authors. And I want my readers to know how much I appreciate them!

See the blog for the full details, but basically all you have to do is enter the rafflecopter on the giveaway post and on February 14th you will be paired up with an author to receive ONE of their ebooks (your choice).  The giveaway is winding down so hurry over to her blog and enter!

And have a lovely Valentine’s Day, however you choose to celebrate it (or not).


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