I haven’t come out of my writing cave a whole lot lately.
What I AM coming out for is the Women’s March this weekend. My best friend and I took a road trip to Washington D.C.. Tomorrow, on January 21, 2017, we’ll join hundreds of thousands of people there, and more across the world, to say that we don’t agree with the current direction our country is heading.

You can call it a protest against Trump if you want but it’s about a lot more than just him. It’s a message to everyone, across every political party. It’s about standing up for what I believe in. Letting my voice be heard.
This isn’t sour grapes about an election. It’s an opportunity to unequivocally say that I don’t support the leaders who are trying to dismantle the policies that protect people’s health and safety.
For women.
For LGBTQ people.
For minorities.
For the disabled.
For anyone who has been marginalized or made vulnerable.
This is for the people who can’t speak for themselves.
I have a voice and I need to use it.
So tomorrow I will march. Going forward, I will hold our legislators accountable. I will not sit idly by.
I will not be silenced.
If you want to learn more about the mission and values of the march as a whole, please click here. https://www.womensmarch.com/mission/
If you want to join us, there are sister marches happening across the world please click here. https://www.womensmarch.com/sisters